Showing posts with label Guide Flyfishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guide Flyfishing. Show all posts

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Success At Manar For Charlie

I was pleased to recieve some pictures from my pal Charlie from his outing at Manar yesterday evening. He landed a nice fresh grilse and also lost a couple too. He was telling me on the phone yesterday that there is a lot of fish being caught in the area just now with a few big fish coming off Inverurie Fishings. Manar is fishing really well just now and along with their opposite bank, catching a fair few fish between them. Long may it continue. Always good to hear that the River Don is fishing well as it is often overlooked due to it's famous neighbour, the Dee.

I was out for a couple of hours tonight on the lower Don at the Parkhill beat of the ADAA. I didn't see any fish apart from one big coloured fish showing in the Manse Pool at Lower Fintray. I was talking to a couple of well know faces on the lower Don, who were telling me of some good runs of fish coming in with every tide and how Saturday was a good day catches wise on the ADAA waters.

Here are the pictures Charlie sent to me last night.

A fresh run grilse from the Lower Wood pool at Manar. The fish was the first to fall to Charlie's Boar Bristle Cascades. Plenty fresh fish around at the moment.
Quick photo before release. Some net marks visable along the flank of the fish.
Charlie's Boar Bristle Cascades tied on size 10 Partridge doubles.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Deveron Fishing Festival 2012 Open Day

I headed up to the Turriff Angling Association water to attend the Deveron Fishing Festival Open Day. There was a very good turn out to watch demonstrations from some of the best casters in the business. Stalls run by Turriff Tackle and Glasgow Angling Centre to buy any lines or tackle tried out on the day. Brands such as Hardy, Vision, G Loomis and Mackenzie were all on hand to offer casting of the latest rods and lines etc. I will be fishing the 3 free days starting tomorrow and with the water looking perfect there was a few confident ghillies saying there will be fish caught so here hoping. Here are some pictures from todays event.
The impressive line up of casting demonstrations for the day.
Guide Flyfishing's team. Willie Banks (left) and Jim Fearn (right). Two top blokes who are always willing to help out with casting instruction which I like to take full advantage of! As my main fishing rod is a 15ft Vision GT4 Catapult im always interested in what lines go best and if any new ones are worth getting so I had a wee go with the Vision ACE shooting head Float/Sink2 and a 5ips tip attached. I must say it was a dream to cast. You wouldn't even know it was a heavy sink tip on the end. Very easy work with.
Blair Banks of G Loomis is a River Spey ghillie on the Brae Water Beat 5. I had a short casting lesson from Blair with a 15ft G Loomis NRX matched up with a 55ft prototype G Loomis Spey line. After finding a wee fault in my action Blair corrected me and I was soon getting a nice line out with ease. Once I get used to the alteration in my casting it should pay dividends.
Scott Mackenzie with my fellow Aberdeen District Angling Association member Tony Wolk. Myself and Tony spent a good few hours milling around the rods trying them all out. We were both very impressed with the Mackenzie shooting head rods. Especially the 14ft version. What a casting tool! Scott was only too happy to share his knowledge of his rods and he gave us a few pointers on our casting too.
Andy Murray of G Loomis and River Tweed ghillie giving his demonstration this morning. I enjoyed watching him cast as he mad it look so effortless. As all the caster did.
The trade stand in the tent on the banks of the river. I took this picture about 4pm when I think most of the stalls had packed up! Should have taken one sooner. Never mind at least it shows where the stalls had been.
We missed Eion Fairgrieve's demonstration as we were playing about with Scott Mackenzie's stuff but we did get a cast with the new Hardy Zenith Sintrix rod. We used the 14' 6" 9 weight rod matched up with a Hardy Mach 55 spey line. What a combo! Out of all the rods we tried today this was up there. Way out of my price range but a dream to cast. Even into a strong wind. I would not say no to any of the rods we tried out today though. They were all pretty special but will have say the Vison Catapult will do me just fine.